
Exploring the innovative cooperation of higher education - industry, and shaping a sustainable future for digital higher education


The Fourth ASEAN - China Forum for Private Higher Education Development and Cooperation and the Second Annual Meeting of the ASEAN-China Alliance for Private Higher Education Institutions successfully concluded.

On 17th and 18th of November, with the support of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Center for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO RIHED), the Fourth ASEAN - China Forum for Private Higher Education Development and Cooperation and the Second Annual Meeting of the ASEAN-China Alliance for Private Higher Education Institutions (ACAPHEI) was successfully held at Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand. As the secretariat and permanent chairman of the ACAPEHI, University of Sanya sent the representative to co-organize and preside over the Forum and the Annual Meeting. Over 50 universities, colleges and private higher education institutions from China and ASEAN countries attended the Forum in hybrid means of online and offline.

Dr. Pornchai Mongkhonvanit, co-Chair of ACAPHEI, Executive Director of Asia Cooperation Dialogue University Network (ACD-UN), former Chair of Association of Private Higher Education Institution of Thailand, President of Siam University, and Prof. Dr Lu Dan, Chair of the ACAPHEI, Vice-President of the China Association of Private Education, President of Geely Talents Development Group, President of University of Sanya delivered welcoming speeches. Assist. Prof. Dr. Romyen Kosaikanont, Centre Director of SEAMEO RIHED, Prof. Dr. Liu Lin, President of the China Association of Private Education, President of Beijing City University, H.E. Dr. Pornchai Danvivathana, Secretary General of Asia Cooperation Dialogue addressed the opening speech. Mr. Leifang Pan, Vice-President and CHO of Geely Holding, Dr. Pornchai Mongkhonvanit, Executive Director of Asia Cooperation Dialogue University Network (ACD-UN),and Emeritus Prof. Dr. Chanita RukspollmuangPresident of Siam University delivered keynote speeches. Dr. Somsak Rungruang, President, Association of Private Higher Education Institution of Thailand, and Associate Prof. Che Yi, Vice-President of University of Sanya gave closing speeches on behalf of Co-Chair and Secretariat of ACAPHEI respectively.


                                                 President Pornchai Mongkhonvanit delivered a welcome address


                                                            President Lu Dan delivered a welcome address


                            Romyen Kosaikanont, Centre Director of SEAMEO RIHED delivered an opening speech


                                                            Chairman Liu Lin addressed an opening speech


                                                      Dr. Pornchai Danvivathana delivered a keynote speech

The Forum was themed on “New Banner, New Mission, New Engine: Sustainable Future of Higher Education in the Digital Era” spotlighting on the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation in higher education in the post-epidemic era. There were three sub-topics, which were Innovative development models for education and research in the digital context, Contention on the key influencing factors for quality online education and Online platform for sustainable collaboration. The attendees discussed and shared their ideas on the sub-topics and reached the consensus. 


                                    Mr. Leifang Pan, Vice-President and CHO of Geely Holding delivered a keynote speech


                                  Dr. Pornchai Mongkhonvanit, President of Siam University delivered a keynote speech


                         Dr. Somsak Rungruang, Vice-President of Siam University delivered a keynote speech


                                 Prof. Dr. Wichian Premchaiswadi,Vice President of Siam University made sub-topic report


                                 Prof. Dr. Liu Kainan, Executive President of University of Sanya made a report 


                                       Prof. Dr. Wang Dan, Vice-President of University of Sanya made a report 

Bangkok Declaration of the ASEAN-China Alliance of Private Higher Education Institutions and the Five-Year Action Plan of ASEAN-China Alliance for Private Higher Education Institutions was released and signed. The participating universities from China and ASEAN also agreed on the flagship programs including multi-campus thematic learning and internships, joint research and others. The programs will be implemented in a hybrid method of online and offline, with the online part to be realized on USY's self-developed online education platform. Sripatum University was elected as the rotational Vice Chair of ASEAN side, Geely University as the rotational Vice Chair of China side, and University of Sanya will hold the Fifth Forum and the Third Annual Meeting in Nov 2023 in Sanya, Hainan, China.




The signing ceremony offline and online

The educational cooperation is not only the key element of wider and deeper interconnection among China and ASEAN countries and a preferred pathway for sustainable development of education, and the ACAPHI is playing an active role in promoting high quality exchanges and cooperation. The digital future is here and there is a need to rethink and reshape the value of education. The relentless exploration into industry- higher education synergy and smart education will help learners succeed and better restore education as it should be, and the initiatives proposed on this Forum and Annual Meeting will become successful examples of innovative practices of China-ASEAN private higher education cooperation. The outcomes of the Forum and the Annual Meeting will also showcase the great picture of cooperation between private universities in ASEAN and China, where "though we explore our own different paths, we can still reach the same goal".


                                   Associate Prof. Che Yi, Vice-President of University of Sanya delivered the closing speech

As a network for the international exchange in higher education initiated by USY in response to the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, the ASEAN - China Forum for Private Higher Education Development and Cooperation has received continuous support from the ASEAN-China Centre, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO RIHED) and ASEAN-China Education Cooperation Week. The Forum has been successfully held for four sessions so far. The Forum is not only a vivid practice of continuous reform and opening up in the field of private higher education in China but also considered by the industry and academia as a more flexible and dynamic connotation for cooperation in the area of education under the "One Belt, One Road" initiative.


                                                           Group photo of participants at Siam University venue

Edited and translated by International Department